
The word family from my point of view mean whole universes comes under it.
Of course because you can't live without them.
they are wholly like water without whom not only mankind even whole living creatures can't survive in this world.
The creator of family is father and mother simply like our Indian mythology we believe God Shiva is the creator.
From the scene of view the family contain lot's of people basically the father the mother the brother and the sister.
The most ponderous person in the family's are mothers and fathers they are like pedestal of the statue on which statue obelisk.
The one of most beautiful,charming,delightful,elegant,graceful,marvelous,admirable,bewitching,classy gift of god is father's and mother's even those word are not enough to complete them.
They are the only who can take life of anyone for you and they are the only who can give life for you.
Family are the only with whom your life began .They are the only  with whom your life come to an end.


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